Meditation to Grow Taller ~ Grow taller after puberty

Grow taller after puberty

How to make your body grow taller even you're no longer in your puberty age

In this article, I will share the method that I use for my height gain. This method is the most effective method that I am use from the others method that I had tried. Please, don't get wrong in here. The method that suit to me doesn't mean that it will suit to you, vice versa.The method that I am use consist of few stage. But you can choose just one method that suitable to you or you can use all of them randomly. Either way is good. First I will mention all of the method, and than after that I will explain it more detail. Okay, here we go.

The method that I am using until now are :
1. meditation
2. visualization
3. let go

I will explain meditation method first. Meditation is one of the strongest tool that we can use to connect us with the Source. The Source that I mean here is which we usually call it with God, The Universe, Universal Intelegent, and others name. I prefer to call it God and sometime My Higher Self. Deepak Chopra said that in meditation, someone can enter the "gate" where everything is come from. And from that place, everything is possible. It's mean that everything we want or think, we can have it. I have many stories about spontaneous healing that people experienced after they tune in their self to this "condition". I will share the stories in other articles. So in theory, if we can tune in with the Source, so we can "ask" the Source to increase our height.

My self use two kind of meditation here. The first one is the meditation that Deepak Chopra thaught in his audio book, The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire. And the second one is the conventional meditation. Here the step by step in meditation.
* Sit or laydown in a place and time where you will not be disturb. I usually do it before I go to bed and after I wake up, so I do it in my room where nobody will be interupted me. For sometime I also meditate in the midle of the night.
* Make yourself comfortable, straight your feet if that feel comfortable to you. Either you sit or lay down, keep your spine to straight but with no tension. Just relax.
* Realize your breathing. For sometime your mind will be wandering, but it's okay. Just keep your mind back to your breathing without force. For this, Deepak Chopra's meditation will help you to keep your mind on the track. When you breathing in, say "So" and when you breathing out say "Hum". (you not have to say those words with your lips, but say it in your mind). The purpose of "So" and "Hum" words is to match our vibration with the Source vibration. You don't have to understand the theory behind those words. Deepak Chopra said that when you just say it in your mind, the universe will be responding eventhough you don't understand the meaning of the words. (Although Deepak Chopra explain the meaning in his book, but personally I don't care about the meaning, I just say it). I also use the word "So" as a replacement of "breathing in" in Hindi words and the word "Hum" as a "breathing out" word.
* After 5-10 minute you do the So Hum meditation, just realize your breathing with quiet state, this is what I called conventional meditation. Just watch your breathing. If you find your mind wandering again, you can back to the So Hum meditation to help you concentrate on your breathing. (if you never meditate, maybe you will fell ackward. But the more you do it, the more you comfort with it)
*And feel the peacefullness and quiteness of your mind and body for a moment.
In some research, meditation also give some gain for people who using it. For example their more peacefull, increase creativity, reducing stress, more relax, health gain, etc. You can search the effect of meditation and I believe that you will find a lot of them.

For other method, I will explain it more detail in the next article.


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