Grow taller with hypnosis story ~ Grow taller after puberty

Grow taller after puberty

How to make your body grow taller even you're no longer in your puberty age

In this post, I will share with you a story about someone who grow taller using hypnosis method. Hypnosis is one of my favorite tool too to grow taller. I hope this story encourage us in our dream in grow taller. Here the story.

In 1960 Milton Erickson told about a 20-year-old man who grew 12 inches in height in the span of one year. In hypnosis, at the start of therapy, this stunted young man looked out on his world as though unwilling to grow, a modern-day Peter Pan.

For example, he described the room as though he were standing beneath a table. Similarly, a cow on his farm was visualized as though it were ten feet tall; his eyes were on a level with the cow's udder.

Growth began to take place when Erickson encouraged the man to hallucinate his world as though he were standing part way up a staircase.

When asked by a colleague hypnotist, "Why have you kept this report out of the literature?"

Erickson smiled and said, "No respectable editor of a scientific journal would publish such an impossible thing."

"Dr. Erickson," the colleague answered, "You are the editor of a respectable journal."

He smiled again and said, "I would like to keep my job."

source : Ericksonian Approaches


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