The second step is vizualitation. Vizualitation is easy. All you just need is imagine something. Try this. Imagine yourself is eating a vanilla ice cream. Got it in your mind? That's vizualitation. Why vizualitation is so important in grow taller method? Because everything in physical world are first created in the mind.
Believe or not, everything that happens to us, or more precisely, through us, is because in some level we attract it. That's is a law, law of attraction. Many people using this law for healing their body from sickness or attract sickness to them consciously and unconsciously. I will talk about this law for more on other article. For now, let's talk about vizualitation.
Vizualitation is a method to using the law of attraction consciously. How? By offer the mind some picture about something that we want to happen. If we long enough to impress a picture that we want, our mind will create that picture to us in our physical world. But not all the people succes using this method. Why? Because they had hold on the unwanted picture long enough in their mind which make new picture take over it hardly.
Now, there are my vizualitation method.
* Lay down or sit (I prefer to lay down) in comfortable position (or just keep your position in meditation).
* Now imagine that your body, from your own eyes, are not flesh and bones again, but become mass of energy.(I usually imagine my body become a light that shaping my body lke in the some scene in the Matrix movie.
* Imagine that picture until you feel some little on in your body
* And because your body is become a light, so it no longer solid again, but I can mold your body as I like
* Imagine that your leg is become longer, longer, and longer. Also fell some sensation in your leg.
* Do it for some minute
* After your leg, now imagine your back become longer, longer, and longer. Fell some sensation in your back too.
* You can add some exercise, like imagine your hand become bigger and longer, your finger become longer, etc.
* Do it overall for 5 - 10 minute.
* After you finish it, maybe you will be feel some sensation in your body. Don't worry, it's natural. The sensation in your body is a sign that your body is responding your mind.
For the note, vizualitation is not merely holding some picture in the mind, but also other senses, like sound, taste, touch, and feeling. So in your practice, I recommend that you also add the other sense factor. For example, when you vizualise your leg longer, you can telling yourself, "My leg is become longer, longer, and longer". Just try it.
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