Grow taller after puberty

How to make your body grow taller even you're no longer in your puberty age

I had use all those methods in recent articles for about one year now. My age is 24. And the result that I get is my height increase. But I didn't take the exact measure about my height. I will tell you why.

When I am started those methods at first, my mainly problem is letting go. I read some articles from someone that also using visualization to increase her height.
She said that the most important point from her exercise is in letting go.

She said that the more we let go our wish or want, the mowe we wil get the result. Her name is Xizia. In January 2003, she claimed that her height is 5 foot. And in April 2003, she said that she had 5 foot 4 tall. And her method is similar to my method.

I used to be a person who always get the things done. So, I have some ego about wanting control. And wanting to control my height is my major problem in my exercise to grow taller. At that point, I was helped by using Sedona Method and Releasing Technique. The two method help me to let go my want, which is want to grow taller. Let go means that you have feeling that you don't care anymore about your height is increase or not. But for sometime, I was tempted to measure if my height is improve. So I had some trick to do "let go thing"

My trick is I don't measure my height with conventional measure. I means with conventional measure is cm, m, inch, and so forth. So how do I know if my height is increase or not? I use eyesight measure. To create this measure, all that I need to do is stand erect and normally in front and closely to the wall. And I just see straight to the wall in front my eyes. After that I mark where is my eyesight is occured in the wall. That is my eyesight measure.

For couple month, I wil stand on the same wall. I'll do the same thing. If my eyesight is different that the first one, it means that I grow taller. And after one year of my exercise, I definetely grow taller from the change of my eyesight. The different is about 2,4 cm. That's why I am trusting these method.

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One of the method that I suggest in my recent post is visualization. Visualization is easy. All you ned to do is just to play your own movie in your mind. Your own movie consist of you doing or having all that you want to do or have. Visualization is more stronger if you add some feeling about the picture which you play in your mind. For example, you imagine that you get the certain amount of money. In fact, if you get the amount of money that you want, usually ordinary people will fell happy. So, when you imagine that picture, feel you happiness because of that.

Visualization is cheap. You don't need anything to do it.

All you need is yourself. But for most case, the thing that we are visualize aren't coming to manifestation fast. It's because we must overriding our old thinking or old habit in our subconscious mind. To change our old thinking, we need to create new thinking continuely. With installing new thinking again and again, our new thinking is become our habit. And after become our habit, it's easy to strenghtening our thinking and the manifestation will coming soon.

But there is one quick way to change our subconscious mind. And that is hypnosis. With hypnosis, we bring our mind to the trance condition, which is the receptive state in our mind. In that condition, our mind will easily accept anything that we offer to our mind. Basically, visualization is self hypnosis. That's why I suggest meditation first before you go to visualization. With meditation, your mind is entering the trance condition. But for some people, self hypnosis is difficult to do. For most case, those people can't enter trance condition or even they enter trance condition too deep, aka sleep.
For this, you can ask hep from the profesional. There is many hypnotist, or person that can use hypnosis. You can ask help hypnotist to give yourself suggestion that can help you to grow taller. Interestingly, many hypnotist now also offer grow taller program through hypnosis. You can search this everywhere. And some of those hypnotist even make program that you can use by yourself without direct "touch" with them. For example is Dr. Laura Di Giorgio and Victoria Wizzel. Personally, I don't know those two person, I know about them from their website. I'm not suggesting you to buy their program, but I'm not suggeting you not to buy the program too.

So, you can do visualization by yourself or you can ask help from others. Either way is good. The difference is maybe in time and money. If you do it by yourself, maybe you need for more time to override your past habit, but you don't need cash for sure. If you want to be hypnotize by profesional, it's more quick to change your thinking, but of course you need cash to pay them.

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In this post, I will share with you a story about someone who grow taller using hypnosis method. Hypnosis is one of my favorite tool too to grow taller. I hope this story encourage us in our dream in grow taller. Here the story.

In 1960 Milton Erickson told about a 20-year-old man who grew 12 inches in height in the span of one year. In hypnosis, at the start of therapy, this stunted young man looked out on his world as though unwilling to grow, a modern-day Peter Pan.

For example, he described the room as though he were standing beneath a table. Similarly, a cow on his farm was visualized as though it were ten feet tall; his eyes were on a level with the cow's udder.

Growth began to take place when Erickson encouraged the man to hallucinate his world as though he were standing part way up a staircase.

When asked by a colleague hypnotist, "Why have you kept this report out of the literature?"

Erickson smiled and said, "No respectable editor of a scientific journal would publish such an impossible thing."

"Dr. Erickson," the colleague answered, "You are the editor of a respectable journal."

He smiled again and said, "I would like to keep my job."

source : Ericksonian Approaches

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Let go is the most important method from the other. It doesn't mean that the other methods are not necessary, but it does mean that without let go, the other methods are losing their effectiveness. Why let go is so important?

In the law of attraction, let go is the most crucial part. With let go of your want, it mean that you trusting God, or the universe, to give you what is you want. With let go of your want, you give acceleration to universe to work helping you grow taller. With let go, it mean that you believe that you will be grow taller no matter what your condition are.

Let go is seem easy, but practically sometime is hard to do. It because our ego. Our ego to wanting control everything surround us. But the ironi is, the more we let go our ego, the more we can control our situation.

Let go our want is like this. After you visualize what your want, imagine you give your want to something or someone that have bigger power than you, and believe that that thing or person will be succed provide what your want. And than forget about your want, and do what you have to do for the rest of your day. If you really let go your want, you will feel light and for sometime you will forgot or ignore about your want.

So, the all step are meditate, visualize, and than just let go or forget. The more you doesn't care about the result about you height, the faster you height will increase. Just prove it.

For advance let go method, I am using the Sedona Method and Releasing Technique. The major line of both method is same. You can use one of them. The Sedona Method and Releasing Technique not only help us to let our ego go, but also help us in other area of our life. For more detail about Sedona Method and Releasing Technique you can open their official website. I also suggest that you also search the succes story or testimony about Sedona Method and Releasing Technique.

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The second step is vizualitation. Vizualitation is easy. All you just need is imagine something. Try this. Imagine yourself is eating a vanilla ice cream. Got it in your mind? That's vizualitation. Why vizualitation is so important in grow taller method? Because everything in physical world are first created in the mind.

Believe or not, everything that happens to us, or more precisely, through us, is because in some level we attract it. That's is a law, law of attraction. Many people using this law for healing their body from sickness or attract sickness to them consciously and unconsciously. I will talk about this law for more on other article. For now, let's talk about vizualitation.

Vizualitation is a method to using the law of attraction consciously. How? By offer the mind some picture about something that we want to happen. If we long enough to impress a picture that we want, our mind will create that picture to us in our physical world. But not all the people succes using this method. Why? Because they had hold on the unwanted picture long enough in their mind which make new picture take over it hardly.

That's why I am suggest meditation first before vizualitation. With meditation, you will quiet your mind. This also mean that you removing all of disturbance in your mind, so you can impress your desire picture more easily to your mind. The more you can impress you desire picture to your mind, the stronger desire picture be your dominant mind. And the more your desire picture be your dominant mind, it's become easier and faster the desire picture become reality.

Now, there are my vizualitation method.
* Lay down or sit (I prefer to lay down) in comfortable position (or just keep your position in meditation).
* Now imagine that your body, from your own eyes, are not flesh and bones again, but become mass of energy.(I usually imagine my body become a light that shaping my body lke in the some scene in the Matrix movie.
* Imagine that picture until you feel some little on in your body
* And because your body is become a light, so it no longer solid again, but I can mold your body as I like
* Imagine that your leg is become longer, longer, and longer. Also fell some sensation in your leg.
* Do it for some minute
* After your leg, now imagine your back become longer, longer, and longer. Fell some sensation in your back too.
* You can add some exercise, like imagine your hand become bigger and longer, your finger become longer, etc.
* Do it overall for 5 - 10 minute.
* After you finish it, maybe you will be feel some sensation in your body. Don't worry, it's natural. The sensation in your body is a sign that your body is responding your mind.

For the note, vizualitation is not merely holding some picture in the mind, but also other senses, like sound, taste, touch, and feeling. So in your practice, I recommend that you also add the other sense factor. For example, when you vizualise your leg longer, you can telling yourself, "My leg is become longer, longer, and longer". Just try it.

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In this article, I will share the method that I use for my height gain. This method is the most effective method that I am use from the others method that I had tried. Please, don't get wrong in here. The method that suit to me doesn't mean that it will suit to you, vice versa.The method that I am use consist of few stage. But you can choose just one method that suitable to you or you can use all of them randomly. Either way is good. First I will mention all of the method, and than after that I will explain it more detail. Okay, here we go.

The method that I am using until now are :
1. meditation
2. visualization
3. let go

I will explain meditation method first. Meditation is one of the strongest tool that we can use to connect us with the Source. The Source that I mean here is which we usually call it with God, The Universe, Universal Intelegent, and others name. I prefer to call it God and sometime My Higher Self. Deepak Chopra said that in meditation, someone can enter the "gate" where everything is come from. And from that place, everything is possible. It's mean that everything we want or think, we can have it. I have many stories about spontaneous healing that people experienced after they tune in their self to this "condition". I will share the stories in other articles. So in theory, if we can tune in with the Source, so we can "ask" the Source to increase our height.

My self use two kind of meditation here. The first one is the meditation that Deepak Chopra thaught in his audio book, The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire. And the second one is the conventional meditation. Here the step by step in meditation.
* Sit or laydown in a place and time where you will not be disturb. I usually do it before I go to bed and after I wake up, so I do it in my room where nobody will be interupted me. For sometime I also meditate in the midle of the night.
* Make yourself comfortable, straight your feet if that feel comfortable to you. Either you sit or lay down, keep your spine to straight but with no tension. Just relax.
* Realize your breathing. For sometime your mind will be wandering, but it's okay. Just keep your mind back to your breathing without force. For this, Deepak Chopra's meditation will help you to keep your mind on the track. When you breathing in, say "So" and when you breathing out say "Hum". (you not have to say those words with your lips, but say it in your mind). The purpose of "So" and "Hum" words is to match our vibration with the Source vibration. You don't have to understand the theory behind those words. Deepak Chopra said that when you just say it in your mind, the universe will be responding eventhough you don't understand the meaning of the words. (Although Deepak Chopra explain the meaning in his book, but personally I don't care about the meaning, I just say it). I also use the word "So" as a replacement of "breathing in" in Hindi words and the word "Hum" as a "breathing out" word.
* After 5-10 minute you do the So Hum meditation, just realize your breathing with quiet state, this is what I called conventional meditation. Just watch your breathing. If you find your mind wandering again, you can back to the So Hum meditation to help you concentrate on your breathing. (if you never meditate, maybe you will fell ackward. But the more you do it, the more you comfort with it)
*And feel the peacefullness and quiteness of your mind and body for a moment.
In some research, meditation also give some gain for people who using it. For example their more peacefull, increase creativity, reducing stress, more relax, health gain, etc. You can search the effect of meditation and I believe that you will find a lot of them.

For other method, I will explain it more detail in the next article.

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If you search the method to grow taller in the search engine, you will be find a lot of them. Which method is the best? According to me, there is no method that is the "holy grail" of the grow taller method. From my experience, every person who try to be taller have their own favorit method. An of course, one method that suited to one person not merely will suited to other person, and vice versa. And usually, two person which use the same method maybe get different result, although they spend same effort and time on their method.

Now I will tell you the various method that you can use to increase your height even you had surpass your puberty. Those method are streching (sometime some people call it yoga or pilates), growth pills, physical exercises (including ankle weight, hanging, kicking, inversion), mental exercises (visualization, hypnosis, chi kung), and surgery ( a method that I am not suggest to do). Like I said before, there is no "holy grail" from all those method. You can give all those method a try. But for me, the method that really suited to me is mental exercises. The mental exercises I used to do are meditation, visualization, affirmation, chi kung, and the Sedona Method or Releasing Technique. I will explain my method to you in the next articles.

Maybe you're already doing some method now while you read this article, and you have some gain from your method. And maybe not. In this blog I will not offer the new method, for that my method you can also found it in other site. In this blog, I will share you how I am using those method with my own way. You can use my method too. You can do all the mental exercise which I will explain the details soon or you can just do one of them. Either way is fine.

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"It's possible to we grow taller after our puberty???"
Yes, you read it correctly. I'll say again.
What make me so sure about it? Because making my body taller is became my obsession for few year. For that reason, I had using so many method and looking for information to increase my height through the last 4 year.

Some method are dissapointing and some gave significant result. In this blog I will share with you all of the method I have found, especially the method that suited with me. And for FREE. Am I grow taller using the method?? Yes!! 
When I writing this article, I am still using the method everyday. You maybe asking like this, "If your method give gain, why you are still using it?" The answer is because I am reaching my dream height yet. You could believes me and give chance to the method or not. Either way is fine with me. But eventhough the method that I am use suit with me, there is no guarantee that the method will have same result to you. But if you are the person who has same "obsession" with me, I suggest you give the method a try. Afterall, you have nothing to lose. And by the way, I am 24 year old this year. 
There is a lot of misinformation regarding the ages that growth takes place, how tall you will likely be, and what exact roles of heredity and environment have on your growth. According the conventional believes, after age about 20, human will stop growing. Because there is some believes out there that on that age, our body will stop producing the Human Growth Hormones (HGH). But in fact, throughout your life you will constanly generate HGH. So from that point, we can make our body taller throughout our entire life!! 
Beside of the HGH information, the scientist also found that our body always regenerates theirself every time. Our body cells always replaced by the new cells. For example, all of the cells that construct our eyes are always be replace in two day. In other word, we always have new eyes in two day! Scientist believes that in 11 month we have a body that entirely new (it takes 11 month to replacing all of the cells frow our hair to our toe). But, if we always have new cells (body), why our diseases are still live in the new body? Because we choose so. 
"Yes. Because we choose so."
"It's mean that if we choose the opposite way, which is choose the diseases to leave, they will leave our body. What this connection of this information with grow taller??"
"If we choose our disease(short body) and than replace it with health (tall body), so it will be."
"It's that possible??"
Of course. I have a lot of stories about people that can affect their body although conventional believes said that is impossible. I will post the stories in other articles. But for now, keep in the mind that is possible. The statement also means that we, regardless of who we are, who our parents, where we come from, how much our age, we all can still make our body taller. Yes, we can grow taller after our puberty. From my experience with my own body, we can do that. Now, you must be think that I am crazy. Keep reading the next article. Afterall, you have nothing to lose to do it....right?

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